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Home » Dowel Display System

EBS Series Bamboo Dowel Rack Only
EBS Series Bamboo Dowel Rack Only

Purchase these bamboo dowel rack set to custom build your display shelf unit, easily expandable as your display needs grow. Trade Shows, Craft Shows and Retail Displays are so much easier with our bamboo expandable modular dowel display systems! This natural and unique looking bamboo modular system can be arrange in so many different shelving and racking combinations you are bound to find something to suit any need in promotional display. We offer shelves, waterfall, face-out that fits onto rungs of our bamboo ladder system racks as an optional attachment.

The shelf system is constructed entirely of natural bamboo dowel ladder rack and shelves at varying heights and lengths. You can purchase a combination of rack and shelves to create your custom look bamboo display unit. Perfect for use in the retail store, showroom, special promotion, or at home in your den or living room for all your pictures, books, and stereo equipment. Assembly is required. The bamboo stand is offered in a pair, usually you need two pairs of ladder rack stand and shelves to form a basic unit. Purchase as many ladder stand and shelves rack as you need to set up the way you wanted for your business.

Key features: Great for trade show displays, dorm rooms and apartments! Professional organizers love our versatile solutions.

Bamboo is ecology sustainable, it also provide a exotic natural expression to your display.

Pick and purchase the rack and the shelves seperately to build your own system.

Many different shelving combination to make your promotional show the center stage.

Optional attachment available more display function.

Available Sizes:

EBS-60 5' H Bamboo Ladder Rack Stand, Set $108.27 +shipping 16"W x 60'H


EBS-72 6' H Bamboo Ladder Rack Stand, Set $125.52 +shipping 16"W x 72'H



EBS-84 7' H Bamboo Ladder Rack Stand, Set $145.22 +shipping 16"W x 84'H


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Price: $108.27

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Show your customers that you care about what matter the most to them and their future by going Green & Natural. Our  uniquely designed Green Store display & decoration products will make a statement for you & help your business grow and be profitable.

Engineered BambooGridwall
H display unit, oak wood color, use standard gridwall accessories.

Green Store Inc
100 10th Avenue North
Algona, WA 98001


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Last modified: December 17, 2013